Tuesday, September 13, 2016

MSTU4020: A Response to A Question in Class

In last class, we were asked to discuss a question whether the machine was using us or not. Some said yes, some said no. But I had a feeling that this question seemed to be too rough to be answered. Neither "yes" nor "no" can express my complex attitude towards the question.

What is "us"? Apparently, there are at least two groups, creators and users, that have different relationships with the machine. Mostly, we regard ourselves as users when facing this question, therefore those high-tech machines are like black boxes to us. According to this presupposition, we are kind of afraid of machines because we have seldom ideas about how they work, just as the saying goes, "Fear is the by-product of the unknown." However, things will be much different from creators' aspect. They surely know mechanisms of gadgets they produce and will just take them as utensils for human.

Hence, I tend to think that the worry shown in the short video will fade away when we become more and more informed of the mechanism of the machine. (Just imagine the fear of lightning when people know nothing about electricity.)


  1. But... wait a minute. Maybe we should consider a little bit more about those two groups I have mentioned. The conclusion above based on a premise that inventors did create something as a "utensil for human" but nothing else. But what if some inventions were made deliberately to empower a certain group of people while disempower the others? Perhaps it is not that the machine is using us but that someone is utilizing the machine to use us.

    1. What's more, even that isn't the whole story. It is of high possibility that those inventors themselves are not quite clear of the far-reaching effect, either. Technologies might well go beyond what their inventors expect or desire. Maybe no one is using us. We are simply subject to laws of nature and society. Is technological determinism part of those laws? I am going to read the assigned papers to find out.^-^

  2. Karen, I really like your points about the different perspectives designers and users would have! I was also think about how would the creators think about those high-tech machines? Those complex technologies might just be some different easy programs for them. I am also thinking about what the original purpose when the inventor created the machine, which reminds me the Big Bang Theory I watched last week. Those scientists invented a kind of perpetual motion device as navigator to help drunk people to figure their way home. However, after the government found their invention, they would rather use it as a high-tech weapon. Depending on this example, things could be out of the designer' control especially if there are some benefits.

  3. Thanks for your perspectives. I appreciate your mention of the fear factor with regard to ICT. I think as we delve deeper into our studies--understanding and appreciating that the fear is natural part of the process and introduction to new ICT. As we begin to create this technology for learning, as developers our job is to build tech that not only meets the goals of teaching but yo ensure that we help the user overcome any fear or apprehensions that would stand in the way of the learning goals.

  4. Hi Karen,

    Firstly, I am very impressed that you divided “us” into two groups, which means the way to look at machine in our life can be different. Creators who actually made the machine seem have the dominance over it, while the uses may be easily be dominated by machine. So the answer seems clear that the machine is us (for creators) and the machine is using us (for users).

    This seems need more consideration, but I am happy to see you add some more ideas in your comments part. It happened a lot as you said that “Those inventors themselves are not quite clear of the far-reaching effect, either. Technologies might well go beyond what their inventors expect or desire”. I did put up this question in my blog too. Many technology keeps developing and changing which may go out of control, even from the creator.

    But I want say some of my ideas about the role that “technological determinism” play here as you mentioned at last. Personally, I don’t think it is the reason that makes technology so dynamic and go out of track. Technology didn’t change itself for no reason, it has things to do with what the society need and want. I do think it is a mutual influence between the social context and technology that push technology forward or even get the dominance over us. First, one kind of technology was created to meet the need from the society and change the how the society or people works in some certain ways. Then, it gave rise to relevant need of the society that calls for the change and advancement of technology. With more wants, people, profits become involved in, things happen that we began to see how huge part of our life had been taken by technology, and thus we are worried being used by it.

    I don’t know is you agree with my opinion or you have more other thoughts on that. Anyway, I am very impressed by your blog.

  5. As you said, most of us did not try to understand how those social technology works, but it does have huge impact on our daily life. I believe we are fearing about those technology because we don't understand them. But we still feel that those technologies are pushing us to some new world we don't even know.

    However, the best thing is that we still have power to control those technology things. They are appealing to our needs. And we involved in it and also enjoy it in some extent. It does have some drawbacks, but I believe for now, it is changing our life much more colorful.
