Thursday, November 17, 2016

Research Plan Updated

I may narrow down social media I mentioned in the last post to two specific media, e.g. Instagram & Snapchat. The former one allows you to take a number of photos before you post one of them while the latter one only allows you to post the photo you take right now. These two different kinds of design may influence users' motivations accordingly. And I would try to find out how different their motivations are in the two settings.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Research Plan Updated

The original version:
a. Research question: Do we feel more obliged than willing to share on social media? And why?
b. Topics of literature review: identity construction; social aspects of cyperspaces
c. Group of people: social media users
d. Access: the online questionnaire being spread on different social media or sent via emails
e. Collect data: the online questionnaire
f. Limitations: The sample may be a little biased since my family and friends are much easier to reach than other people.
g. Implications: It will reveal people's true feeling towards social media, show how our lives are influenced somewhat unconsciously by the development of ICT, and encourage social media developers to reconsider what kind of design can be regarded as "user-friendly" nowadays.

After last week's discussion, I found that the topic of literature review might be more about motivation of online participation than what I listed above. A reading "Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations: Classic Definitions and New Directions" last week and another reading "From Moodle to Facebook: Exploring students’ motivation and experiences in online communities" this week help me to think more about how to clarify my research topic and methods other than questionnaires. As the latter paper suggests, a qualitative study, e.g. individual interviews, is also a good way to know more about one's intrinsic motivation and other details, which ameliorates a limitation I did not mentioned above, i.e. the difficulty of discovering what is the genuine motivation for someone to participate in social media. It would be a question that even the person in question can hardly answer by him/herself.